Fuck, off.
Actually, this is a literature blog:)
Love you, guys

Wednesday, August 31, 2011 ,
8:33 pm
My favourite character .

My favourite character is Blossom from the powerpuff girls .I like Blossom , because she is very cute . She is known for the smartest one among the other two .She is often seen as the more mature one , level headed , although she may be quite fussy and petty sometimes . She tends to take good care of Bubble and Buttercup and try to play as a peacemaker if the both of them fight . The powerpuff girls always help to save the day .
I do have some similarities as Blossom . Like I may tend to get really fussy about food sometimes . And may get petty . But the differences are that I think I am not so mature and level headed enough as this character . I am not one of those smart kids too . But I think if I am willing to try my best , I will do it one day .

Wednesday, August 17, 2011 ,
10:04 pm
Unseen Poetry

I find unseen poetry quite hard to understand as most of the words they used I did not understand . But is is quite interesting when you try to read it and try to guess the message that the writer is trying to say , although it is difficult . But I hope I can have more of these unseen poetry to practice on and improve on it .

9:57 pm
Romeo and Juliet

First of all , I think our group are doing quite well for the play for Romeo and Juliet . We meet up before the June holiday and during the June holiday to act and try out the whole scene over and over again . Then we meet up one day to buy all the things that we needed for the props and some of the costumes . And then we went to Sabrina's house to do the props like painting the backdrops and we went to collect plastic bottles around the HDB areas for the pole that the Romeo , which is Wayne , to hide behind it . After doing the props , we continued with our acting out . We video it down and see what mistake we make and try to correct it and we did improve . And we have also decided to include the piano , that Cheryl need to play . I hope that we can get quite high marks for this play as we put in a lot of efforts and this is included in our literature exam 70% .