Fuck, off.
Actually, this is a literature blog:)
Love you, guys

Monday, March 07, 2011 ,
6:22 pm

What is Macbeth about?:
Macbeth is the main character who is the soldier that fought for King Duncan.
He fought courageously for the battle. King Duncan learns that Macbeth has been victorious and has defeated Macdonwald. The Thane of Cawdor has betrayed Duncan and is accused of being a traitor. Duncan orders the Thane of Cawdor’s execution and announces that Macbeth will receive the title of Thane of Cawdor.
Then Macbeth met the three witches and the witches told him that he will be Thane of Cawdor.

Then Macbeth was also being persuaded by his wife, Lady Macbeth to kill King Duncan and overthrow him.
Soon after, there was another war. Macbeth again defeated his enemies.
Macbeth and the Norwegain king signed a treaty. The Norwegian king has to pay him ten thousand dollars and asked him to retreat., if not Macbeth won't allow to let him bury his men.

My favourite character?:
My favourite character is Macbeth. As Macbeth is very brave and courageous when he fought with his enemies. He is merciless with his enemies.

What have I learnt from Macbeth?:
I have learnt that I have to be "merciless" towards my friends in terms of studies