Fuck, off.
Actually, this is a literature blog:)
Love you, guys

Sunday, January 30, 2011 ,
10:01 pm
Coincidence or Prediction?

Has there ever been a time in your life when someone told you that something improbable would happen and it did?
Did the fact that the event was"predicted" cause you to behave differently that you would otherwise and make it more likely for the event to occur?
Or did the event simply seem to occur without any assistance from you?

One of the question really did happen to me before. The incident goes like this:
One night, I was sleeping then I had a dream, in that dream, I was walking to school. Then I had a really bad fall.
After that, I forgot to bring all the homework that I was supposed to bring and in the end I get a very bad scolding from the teachers.
Then when I am about to go home, there is a sudden downpour, but I forgot to take my umbrella. In the end I have to run home. By the way I run home, I'm drenched from head to toe.
That really was very unlucky.
That was end of the dream when my mum woke me up for school.
But when I keep thinking of that dream while I was walking, thinking is that going to happen? Or is it just merely a dream?
Just as I was thinking about it I trip over a stone, and really had a bad fall.
Then when I was about to hand in my homework, I found out that I forgotten to bring my homework and indeed I really get a bad scolding.
And the following things happen too. Exactly what happen in my dream!!
When I was at home, I kept thinking is this all coincidence or really prediction??
This question remain unsolved.

Saturday, January 15, 2011 ,
10:09 pm

Hi. This is a reflection on Cinquain, that I've learn on literature lesson.
It's a poem actually.Consist of 5 lines. similar to haiku
1st line: noun/topic
2nd line: 2 adjective
3rd line: 3 gerunds
4th line: 1 short complete sentence
5th line: synonym
I learn that it doesn't really have to rhyme, and it is really interesting.
My cinquain goes like this
Short, funny
Sleeping, talking, laughing
A girl who makes her friends laugh
Next time I thing I would write a cinquain about my friends for their birthday present:)
As: it is meaningful
    :more sincere
    :can save money for present

Saturday, January 08, 2011 ,
10:28 pm
Literature blog

WOAH, first time heard of: creating blog for school work. COOL~
HAHA! Hi, I'm Pamela.
Okay that's all