Fuck, off.
Actually, this is a literature blog:)
Love you, guys

Tuesday, September 13, 2011 ,
10:21 pm

I think they wanted to used a mixed race couple to show that no matter what race are you , you can also be together . There are no definition or any kinds of conditions to be with someone you love . And this is to show that there's racial harmony in it .
The bad traits that her husband has , actually is kind of good traits somewhat . As most people may think that all these character traits are bad , but to her is actually a sign to show that her husband is actually feeling fine , healthy or even " alive " . As her husband is sick at that time , these signs is actually sending out those message .
This is sort of a good way and quite creative . It can definitely promote the family values .

Wednesday, August 31, 2011 ,
8:33 pm
My favourite character .

My favourite character is Blossom from the powerpuff girls .I like Blossom , because she is very cute . She is known for the smartest one among the other two .She is often seen as the more mature one , level headed , although she may be quite fussy and petty sometimes . She tends to take good care of Bubble and Buttercup and try to play as a peacemaker if the both of them fight . The powerpuff girls always help to save the day .
I do have some similarities as Blossom . Like I may tend to get really fussy about food sometimes . And may get petty . But the differences are that I think I am not so mature and level headed enough as this character . I am not one of those smart kids too . But I think if I am willing to try my best , I will do it one day .

Wednesday, August 17, 2011 ,
10:04 pm
Unseen Poetry

I find unseen poetry quite hard to understand as most of the words they used I did not understand . But is is quite interesting when you try to read it and try to guess the message that the writer is trying to say , although it is difficult . But I hope I can have more of these unseen poetry to practice on and improve on it .

9:57 pm
Romeo and Juliet

First of all , I think our group are doing quite well for the play for Romeo and Juliet . We meet up before the June holiday and during the June holiday to act and try out the whole scene over and over again . Then we meet up one day to buy all the things that we needed for the props and some of the costumes . And then we went to Sabrina's house to do the props like painting the backdrops and we went to collect plastic bottles around the HDB areas for the pole that the Romeo , which is Wayne , to hide behind it . After doing the props , we continued with our acting out . We video it down and see what mistake we make and try to correct it and we did improve . And we have also decided to include the piano , that Cheryl need to play . I hope that we can get quite high marks for this play as we put in a lot of efforts and this is included in our literature exam 70% .

Monday, March 07, 2011 ,
6:22 pm

What is Macbeth about?:
Macbeth is the main character who is the soldier that fought for King Duncan.
He fought courageously for the battle. King Duncan learns that Macbeth has been victorious and has defeated Macdonwald. The Thane of Cawdor has betrayed Duncan and is accused of being a traitor. Duncan orders the Thane of Cawdor’s execution and announces that Macbeth will receive the title of Thane of Cawdor.
Then Macbeth met the three witches and the witches told him that he will be Thane of Cawdor.

Then Macbeth was also being persuaded by his wife, Lady Macbeth to kill King Duncan and overthrow him.
Soon after, there was another war. Macbeth again defeated his enemies.
Macbeth and the Norwegain king signed a treaty. The Norwegian king has to pay him ten thousand dollars and asked him to retreat., if not Macbeth won't allow to let him bury his men.

My favourite character?:
My favourite character is Macbeth. As Macbeth is very brave and courageous when he fought with his enemies. He is merciless with his enemies.

What have I learnt from Macbeth?:
I have learnt that I have to be "merciless" towards my friends in terms of studies

Wednesday, February 16, 2011 ,
10:02 pm
Act 1 Scene 2

Last week, learn about Act 1 Scene 2.
Ms Malyanah told us that the language that Shakesphere used was very unique. He used imabic pentameter in the lines.Iambic means natural while pentameter means 10. So the lines has 10 syllabus and can be read naturally with a syllabus being stressed and the one after it not stressed and so on and so forth.
Some has simile and metaphor in it.
Scene 2 is about the Captain reporting about the situation of war to king Duncan.
 Macbeth was very brave and won the war.
Norwegian found a chance to attack them again. A second war started.
But still Macbeth and Banquo won the second war.
Ross told the Norwegian King that they want a treaty. Unless he give them $10,000, they would not allow the Norwegian King to bury his man.
In the end, Cawdor was killed and his titles is given to Macbeth. 

Sunday, January 30, 2011 ,
10:01 pm
Coincidence or Prediction?

Has there ever been a time in your life when someone told you that something improbable would happen and it did?
Did the fact that the event was"predicted" cause you to behave differently that you would otherwise and make it more likely for the event to occur?
Or did the event simply seem to occur without any assistance from you?

One of the question really did happen to me before. The incident goes like this:
One night, I was sleeping then I had a dream, in that dream, I was walking to school. Then I had a really bad fall.
After that, I forgot to bring all the homework that I was supposed to bring and in the end I get a very bad scolding from the teachers.
Then when I am about to go home, there is a sudden downpour, but I forgot to take my umbrella. In the end I have to run home. By the way I run home, I'm drenched from head to toe.
That really was very unlucky.
That was end of the dream when my mum woke me up for school.
But when I keep thinking of that dream while I was walking, thinking is that going to happen? Or is it just merely a dream?
Just as I was thinking about it I trip over a stone, and really had a bad fall.
Then when I was about to hand in my homework, I found out that I forgotten to bring my homework and indeed I really get a bad scolding.
And the following things happen too. Exactly what happen in my dream!!
When I was at home, I kept thinking is this all coincidence or really prediction??
This question remain unsolved.